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Note that rates are determined by complexity of gaining access to various components as opposed to the size of aircraft.
If you think these prices are high for spraying your wings you really need to read the "What is CorrosionX?" page first and then come back here. These rates are for full aircraft protection from prop-to-tail.
If your aircraft isn't listed contact me for a quote!
Prices are for my local service area. I travel up to 200 miles for all services (and pre-buys in all 50 states!) however out-of-area fees apply.
Rates fluctuate frequently and without notice based on market conditions and availability. Phone/text and email quotes are valid for 30 calendar days. If price drops in that time you pay the lower price.
No payment due until work is complete and you have a logbook entry from me.
100 series up to 150 are $300
170 to 185 are $350
200 series is $450.
Musketeer family is $350
Model 30 series is $425
Twins are $500
All models $350
All models are $500
PA-28 series is $350
PA-32 series is $500
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